
Do you have a multiple defendant writ? Is one of your defendants :

  • an out of state defendant (under CGS 52-59b service needs to be effected at the Secretary of State, followed with a certified mailing to out of state defendant’s address)
  • CT Corporation Service
  • Corporation Service Company
  • National Corporate Research
  • Insurance Commissioner (State of Connecticut)
  • Secretary of the State of Connecticut
  • The Attorney General of the State of Connecticut
  • The Department of Motor Vehicles (CT DMV)(CGS 52-62)

Then I can help! Even if all the other defendants are not located in Hartford County, as long as I start with at least one defendant in Hartford County, I am qualified. I make daily service stops to all of the above listed entities.

If you have any questions regarding your specific needs please do not hesitate to give us a call and we would be glad to help you.

Do You Need A Connecticut State Marshal?

In Connecticut, a Connecticut State Marshal or a Constable are the only officials authorized by law to serve Civil Proccess.

A Connecticut State Marshal is appointed to work as a independent contractor, as well as a public officer with the status of peace officer, to make service of process in civil judicial and administrative proceedings and to do legal executions. A Connecticut State Marshal is appointed by a county to work within their county unless authorized by law to go to other counties, or to work statewide.

A Connecticut State Marshal is not a state employee. A Connecticut State Marshal is a individual engaged in the profession of performing critical functions necessary to the fair, efficient and effective administration of the judicial and administrative law system and the enforcement of judgments, and orders. A Connecticut State Marshal is a essential part of implementing the constitutional rights of individuals to access to courts and due remedies.

A Connecticut State Marshal is hired directly by citizens, attorneys, the state, businesses, or others who need to give notice to others of civil court proceedings, such as court and small claims actions, subpoenas, family court orders, or administrative proceedings, or other areas where civil process is needed. A Connecticut State Marshal is also hired to enforce the collection of judgments, or other court or administrative orders, in which money needs to be collected or property claimed. Such actions include wage, bank and property executions, evictions and tax warrants.

A Connecticut State Marshal can also be assigned to courthouses throughout the state at specific times to accept restraining orders issued by the court in domestic matters. A Connecticut State Marshal is also empowered to execute civil capias warrants to take into custody individuals in child support matters.
Source: The Department of Administrative Services, State Marshal Commission Click Here

Thank you for visiting us. We are committed to providing you with the best possible service available.

If you have any questions regarding your specific needs
please do not hesitate to give us a call.

We would be glad to help you.